Unchecking the box.
The All of the Above Trail Fest was born from our founding vision - to create spaces in the outdoors where LGBTQ+ folks can recreate and rekindle connections with themselves, each other, and the natural world.
Whether you’re a long-time trail runner, a first-time woods walker, or anywhere in between - we’re excited to be expanding our outdoor adventures and advocating for LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the athletic world.
AotA Trail Fest is open to LGBTQ+ people and their allies - come one, come all! Taking place at Berkshire East, regardless of how you participate, you’re sure to have a beautiful day in the woods!
This event is a fundraiser for us here at The Venture Out Project and goes towards supporting our backpacking and wilderness trips for the queer and transgender community. Are you a fundraising rockstar? Runners and non-runners alike are encouraged to set-up a fundraising page here. We will be unveiling special prizes for top fundraisers, and you’ll be celebrated with extra cheers on race day. The fundraising team with the best-coordinated outfits on the day of the fest will be rewarded with legendary status, and some goodies from our sponsors. We’re so excited to see you out there!

At this festival, we're making space for our identities - as trail runners, as outdoorsy folk, as people - which need more breathing room than the traditional binary gender options during race registration allow for. Here, we’re claiming All of the Above, and running with it.
The theme? To welcome EVERYONE. Specifically, we’re calling for queer and transgender runners, and their allies, to come play on the trails with us - regardless of competition or athletic level. No matter who you are, or what ‘box’ you might check, you are encouraged to participate - we’re celebrating the person, not the body, at this fest.
In the spirit of what we do at The Venture Out Project, the AotA Trail Fest will offer a longer (21k) competitive event, a shorter (5k) Hike/Run, and a Kid’s Fun Run for the little (but mighty) ones. Prizes will be awarded NOT based on gendered placing (heck, we aren’t even collecting gender data when you register), but based on who predicts their finish time the closest, as well as other equally important criteria such as ‘who has the most fun out here’. At the 5k, we aren’t timing the event and there won’t be ranked results - this is a place to find your joy, push yourself (if you want!), and experience the trail with no judgment.

Race Details
It all goes down October 2025 (Exact date TBD) at Berkshire East Mountain in Charlemont, MA.
We’re looking to kick things off at:
10:00am for the 21k competitive event
11:00am for the 5k fun hike/run, and
11:11am for the kid’s run
Check-in is 1 hour before your race starts - plan your pre-race bathroom break accordingly. ☺
$65 for 21k **
$45 for 5k
$10 for kid’s run
Registration for all 21k and 5k participants includes post-race food and 1 beer (for those over 21).
We are trying to keep the price as reasonable as possible while maintaining the fundraiser aspect, benefiting The Venture Out Project. We feel that the festival at the finish, and the fun you’ll have on the trails, is well worth the cost!
Bonus: t-shirts to all who fundraise or donate at least $150 to The Venture Out Project by September 1, 2024. We’ll also have prizes from our sponsors for the top fundraisers!
** Funds are available, upon request, to any runner who needs support to participate. No questions will be asked, no justification needed, if funds are available then partial or full entry fee support will be given.
All distances; 21K, 5K, and kids fun run, will start/finish at Berkshire East Ski Resort, at the West Lodge. There is a parking lot near the lodge, and overflow parking as directed at the resort. Details around course specifics are still being finalized but will be shared here when available.
For the 21k Race:
21 km long*, with approximately 2100 feet of elevation gain, this course is roughly 65% single track, 25% snowmobile trail, 10% dirt road, and 100% fun.
Click here to view the course map, here to see the elevation, and here to download the GPX file.
For the 5k Race:
5.4 km long, with about 600 feet of elevation gain, the 5k course is roughly 90% single track & 10% dirt road (and, you guessed it, 100% fun!).
Click here to view the course map, and here to download the GPX file.
*Please note: The info posted here is from the 2023 event and may be subject to change for the 2024 event
The course will be open for 5 hours, so all runners must be done by 3:00pm. If you are anxious about the cut-off times, an early start is available upon request.
Above all else, we want this event and all who attend to feel supported and cared for on their racing journey. Use the menu below to learn more about how we plan to do just that.
If you are stopping, you must let a race official know. Per USATF regulations, we discourage the use of headphones. Otherwise, have some fun out there!
There will be plenty of aid along the way, 25k runners will have support every 3-5 miles.
Medical support can be found at the start/finish area for those who need it.
We’ll have all the basics needed on-course! For hydration, we will have water, energy drink, and soda. For food, there will be your standard cookies, candy, chips, pretzels, fruit, etc. At the finish line, Berkshire East will be selling local brews (for those over 21) . Make an afternoon of it and bring a picnic to enjoy as you cheer in your fellow runners.
This race is held in early October, and this is New England. It can be muddy, it can be icy, it can be snowing, or it could be hot and humid. Prepare for anything!!!
We take the “All” in our name seriously. Athletes with Disabilities are welcomed and encouraged to participate. To learn how it all works, we will follow the general rules as set forth here.
For this event, prizes won’t be awarded based on finishing time or placing. While prize categories are still being polished, know that they’ll be given for important things, like “Best Pants” or “Most Likely To Fall and Get Up Again”.
Prizes will also be awarded to our Top Fundraisers - we encourage folks to get a little competitive with it!
Sound like fun?
There will be day-of registration available, however, prices will jump so pre-reg is preferred.

Of course, we can't do this without the support of volunteers to help out runners along the way. If you are interested in volunteering, click the button below.
The AotA Trail Rest in made possible through the support of our sponsors. Thank you for supporting our mission to make the outdoors a more inclusive space for queer, trans, and LGBTQ+ people. Contact us if you want to Become a Sponsor!
Headlining Sponsors 2023/2024
Contributing Sponsors 2023

Get In touch
Let us know if you have further questions that aren't answered here. You can contact our team at hello@ventureoutproject.com.