Queer Rock Climbing Day, Session 1
May 6, 2023
Weather date: May 7, 2023
Whether you’re a seasoned climber or you’ve never tried, this event is for you! We’re teaming up with Rock Spot Climbing to bring you a day (or half day) full of outdoor top rope climbing with other queer humans. We'll have routes for beginners and intermediate climbers, gear for all participants, and instruction from the amazing Rock Spot staff. People of all abilities, body sizes, and climbing-anxiety-levels are welcome.
This day is split into two separate sessions - 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm. Come to one or both - we’d love to meet you! Please be sure to register for both sessions if you’d like to attend the full day.
Participants should bring: lunch if you’re doing both sessions, snacks, water, warm layer, sturdy walking shoes, clothes you can move in easily.
This adventure is open to folks ages 18 and older.
Location: Hammond pond, Newton, MA
(Massa-adchu-es-et (Massachusett) & Pawtucket land)
We are dog lovers, but unfortunately, furry friends will need to stay home for this adventure. Tell your dogs we say hi!
Meet: May 6, 2023
Weather Date: May 7, 2023
Cost: $0-$20 sliding scale
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in a hike.
Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who have financial barriers. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.
Our sliding scale recommendation:
- Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs
- Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income
- High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs
Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.
Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from nativeland.ca, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.