What are reparations?

The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) defines reparations as “a process of repairing, healing and restoring a people injured because of their group identity and in violation of their fundamental human rights by governments, corporations, institutions and families.”

Community building through the shared experience of outdoor adventure and physical activity is a primary building block of our mission at The Venture Out Project. We could not fulfill our goal of providing a welcoming and fun space for LGBTQ+ people to experience the outdoors without viewing reparations through a wilderness lens. Creating an experience for queer and trans people of all intersectional identities (as in, holding more than one marginalized or underserved identity at a time) to feel ‘normal’ in the outdoors will always be our Guiding Star.

About our Pricing Model - Reparations pricing is built into our sliding scale for the 2023 season.

In service to our goal of embodying anti-racism in all aspects of our work, we subscribe to the commitment of reparations pricing for BIPOC individuals.⁠⁠

This is not a scholarship fund; We do not assume that BIPOC folks do not have access to wealth. Reparations pricing is key to fulfilling our mission of fostering queer community outdoors. If you are a BIPOC individual, please feel welcome to utilize this resource and select where you fall on the sliding scale - we leave this option open and available without any application required.⁠⁠

We look forward to continuing to expand the ways in which we, as an organization, can meet the financial needs of our community members with every season.