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Queer Yellowstone Trail Work (Waitlist)


Meet your instructors!

Oliver He/Him/His Wilderness First Responder & CPR

Wilderness First Responder & CPR

James Saunders He/Him/His Wilderness First Responder & CPR Mountaineering 101 NOLS Southwest Trip Leader

James Saunders
Wilderness First Responder & CPR
Mountaineering 101
NOLS Southwest Trip Leader

Queer Yellowstone Trail Work

August 29 - September 3, 2021

Basecamp: Private front country camping at the Nez Perce Cabin near the banks of the Nez Perce Creek within the Park. Access to pit toilets and wood burning stove.

Tools and Personal Protective Equipment: CDTC and the NPS will provide all necessary tools, safety gear, trail maintenance leadership, certified Wilderness First Responders. TVOP will be on-site as queer leaders and Wilderness First Responders.

Scope of Work: In partnership with the Continental Divide Trail Coalition, the TVOP Queer Crew will work on improving a section of the Continental Divide Trail in the geyser-rich Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The crew will work on rehabbing projects, basic maintenance, laying logs, trail building, planting drainage-assisting plants, and more. Rehabilitation will be done by using native materials to block the social trails that are being created by people walking off trail at many different points. All this work will contribute to the ongoing protection and long-term sustainability of America's first National Park and the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail.

About the Continental Divide Trail: The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDT) was designated by Congress in 1978 as a unit of the National Trails System. The 3,100 mile long CDT traverses the magnificent Continental Divide between Mexico and Canada. It travels through 25 National Forests, 21 Wilderness areas, 3 National Parks, 1 National Monument, 8 BLM resource areas and through the states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico.

About the Continental Divide Trail Coalition: The Continental Divide Trail Coalition (CDTC) was formed in 2012 to assist and work alongside federal land management agencies in the protection and management of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. CDTC is a membership-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Golden, Colorado. Their mission is to complete, promote, and protect the CDT by building a strong and diverse trail community, providing up-to-date information to the public, and encouraging conservation and stewardship of the Trail, its corridor, and surrounding landscapes.

Work Difficulty/Active Hours: Volunteers should be able to hike 2-4 miles a day, lift up to 30 lbs, and be able to work for 8 hours/day
Elevation: 7,300+ ft
Experience: No experience needed



Location: Biscuit Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Start Date
*: August 29
End Date: September 3
Closest Airport: Bozeman, MT (BZN)
Cost: $575
Multiple Scholarships Available - simply fill out the scholarship request form during your registration.
Includes: Minimal shuttling to trailhead, Food, camping, camping supplies (if needed)
Doesn't Include: Flights, transportation to trip location

**Specific times and locations to be released to registered participants only
***Instructors subject to change


  • Masks Required

  • Smaller trip sizes

  • Individual Tents

  • Negative COVID-19 test or proof of vaccination within one week of trip


Why does this trip cost money?
We do our best to keep our trips affordable, but the reality is there are a lot of costs associated with leading an outdoor trip. This includes, but is not limited to: permits, camping fees, insurance, workers’ comp, gear depreciation, instructor compensation (all of our instructors are queer), food (including accommodations for special diets), and more. Scholarships are available to any participant for whom cost is a barrier.

General Trip and Refund Policies