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Beginner Cross Country Ski Lesson - Minnesota

Beginner Cross Country Ski Lesson - Minnesota

February 8, 2025 — 1:00pm-4:00pm CT
Last day to register: February 6th, 2025

Have you been wanting to try cross-country skiing but have been too intimidated to rent the gear Were you worried the enviroment might not be queer or trans friendly? Join TVOP volunteer Canyon for a co-hosted beginner classic cross-country group ski lesson exclusively for queer and trans people in collaboration with The Loppet Foundation! This fun and interactive 90 minute beginner (level 1) class ski course will help you learn the basic elements of cross-country classic skiing including weight transfer, balance, timing and range of movement. We will use various drills and visual mimicking to cover the techniques of diagonal stride, double poling, herringbone, and snowplow. Rental skis, poles and boots will be provided, you just need to bring yourself dressed in your winter weather gear, ready to play outside in the snow! There will be options to hang out as a group and buy food and hot drinks before and after the lesson.

This event is for ages 14+ and intended for the LGBTQ+ community. If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we’ll collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated.


Location: Minneapolis area (Očhéthi Šakówiŋ Wahpekute land)
Parking: Multiple free parking lots Pets: While we love pets, we ask furry friends to remain home on this adventure.
Meet: February 8, 2025
Details: 90 minutes up/down cross-country ski tracks
$10-$35 sliding scale. To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “How much should I pay?” dropdown below.
Bring: Winter weather gear, including coats, gloves, hats, scarfs, and anything else needed to be outside for a 90-minute lesson. Ski equipment rentals are included at no additional cost.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in this event.

  • Of course you can always hike for free on your own! What we are offering is not just a wilderness trip, but a chance to create community. On a TVOP trip, you will meet people with shared identities, have meaningful experiences and conversations in community, have someone else plan the logistics of your adventures, and have certified Wilderness First Aiders on hand should you ever need one. All of the money we collect goes towards operating costs for our programs.

  • Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who experience financial barriers, are looking for reparations pricing, and/or have high travel expenses. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.

    The estimated value of this Beginner Cross Country Ski Lesson is $25 per person.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

Earlier Event: January 25
Queer Winter Day Hike - Western MA
Later Event: February 22
Sled & Steam - Minnesota