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Sled & Steam - Minnesota
11:00 AM11:00

Sled & Steam - Minnesota

Sled & Steam - Minnesota

February 22, 2025 — 11:00am-2:00pm CT
Last day to register: February 20th, 2025

Join TVOP volunteer Max for a day of kicksledding & sauna-ing!

Come experience a Minnesotan winter day by gliding across the lake on a kicksled and melting your sore muscles away in the sauna. In collaboration with Dakota County Regional Parks and Saunable, participants will have access to kicksleds, a private sauna, and warm-wintery snacks. Never used a kicksled before? No worries. Dakota County staff will be on site to provide a short tutorial. Kicksleds can be used by an individual, or carry a friend.

The sauna can hold up to 10 people at a time. We will split participants up in groups so that all are able to rotate through the sauna if they so choose.

This event is for ages 14+ and intended for the LGBTQ+ community. Those under 18 must be accompanied by a guardian. The guardian does not need to register if they do not plan to participate in the event. If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we’ll collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated.


Location: St Paul area (Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, Wahpekute land)
Parking: Free - large/accessible parking lot Pets: While we love pets, we ask furry friends to remain home on this adventure.
Meet: February 22, 2025
Details: Hybrid event with two activities taking place at the same location.
$15-$40 sliding scale. To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “How much should I pay?” dropdown below.
Bring: Warm layers & snow boots for kicksledding, and shorts/bathing suit, towel, and water bottle for the sauna.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in this event.

  • Of course you can always hike for free on your own! What we are offering is not just a wilderness trip, but a chance to create community. On a TVOP trip, you will meet people with shared identities, have meaningful experiences and conversations in community, have someone else plan the logistics of your adventures, and have certified Wilderness First Aiders on hand should you ever need one. All of the money we collect goes towards operating costs for our programs.

  • Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who experience financial barriers, are looking for reparations pricing, and/or have high travel expenses. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.

    The estimated value of this Sled & Steam event is $30 per person.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Beginner Cross Country Ski Lesson - Minnesota
1:00 PM13:00

Beginner Cross Country Ski Lesson - Minnesota

Beginner Cross Country Ski Lesson - Minnesota

February 8, 2025 — 1:00pm-4:00pm CT
Last day to register: February 6th, 2025

Have you been wanting to try cross-country skiing but have been too intimidated to rent the gear Were you worried the enviroment might not be queer or trans friendly? Join TVOP volunteer Canyon for a co-hosted beginner classic cross-country group ski lesson exclusively for queer and trans people in collaboration with The Loppet Foundation! This fun and interactive 90 minute beginner (level 1) class ski course will help you learn the basic elements of cross-country classic skiing including weight transfer, balance, timing and range of movement. We will use various drills and visual mimicking to cover the techniques of diagonal stride, double poling, herringbone, and snowplow. Rental skis, poles and boots will be provided, you just need to bring yourself dressed in your winter weather gear, ready to play outside in the snow! There will be options to hang out as a group and buy food and hot drinks before and after the lesson.

This event is for ages 14+ and intended for the LGBTQ+ community. If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we’ll collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated.


Location: Minneapolis area (Očhéthi Šakówiŋ Wahpekute land)
Parking: Multiple free parking lots Pets: While we love pets, we ask furry friends to remain home on this adventure.
Meet: February 8, 2025
Details: 90 minutes up/down cross-country ski tracks
$10-$35 sliding scale. To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “How much should I pay?” dropdown below.
Bring: Winter weather gear, including coats, gloves, hats, scarfs, and anything else needed to be outside for a 90-minute lesson. Ski equipment rentals are included at no additional cost.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in this event.

  • Of course you can always hike for free on your own! What we are offering is not just a wilderness trip, but a chance to create community. On a TVOP trip, you will meet people with shared identities, have meaningful experiences and conversations in community, have someone else plan the logistics of your adventures, and have certified Wilderness First Aiders on hand should you ever need one. All of the money we collect goes towards operating costs for our programs.

  • Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who experience financial barriers, are looking for reparations pricing, and/or have high travel expenses. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.

    The estimated value of this Beginner Cross Country Ski Lesson is $25 per person.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Opt Outside Fall Minneapolis Hike - Minnesota
10:00 AM10:00

Opt Outside Fall Minneapolis Hike - Minnesota

Opt Outside Fall Minneapolis Hike - Minnesota

November 29, 2024 — 10:00am-2:00pm CT
Last day to register: November 27th, 2024

Join TVOP volunteer Canyon on the official national Opt Outside day for a 5 mile fall hike at a regional park about 30 minutes south of the Minneapolis/St Paul area. This loop hike is a popular trail for birding and hiking, and we will be hiking together in a group with no one left behind. The trail is open year-round and is beautiful to visit anytime. Dogs are welcome, but must be on a leash.

This event is for ages 15+ and intended for the LGBTQ+ community. If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we’ll collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated.


Location: Minneapolis/St Paul area (Očhéthi Šakówiŋ Wahpekute land)
Parking: Parking lot Pets: Dogs are welcome, but must be on a leash.
Meet: November 29, 2024
Hike: 4.9miles, 278 ft elevation gain
$0-$20 sliding scale
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Water, snacks, layers.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in this event.

  • Of course you can always hike for free on your own! What we are offering is not just a wilderness trip, but a chance to create community. On a TVOP trip, you will meet people with shared identities, have meaningful experiences and conversations in community, have someone else plan the logistics of your adventures, and have certified Wilderness First Aiders on hand should you ever need one. All of the money we collect goes towards operating costs for our programs.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Trans Sauna Night at a Regional Park - Minnesota
6:15 PM18:15

Trans Sauna Night at a Regional Park - Minnesota

Trans Sauna Night at a Regional Park - Minnesota

November 10, 2024 — 6:15-8:00pm CT
Last day to register: November 8th, 2024

TVOP is excited to offer a private group 75 minute outdoor sauna experience for trans and gender expansive individuals at a local regional park close to the Twin Cities of St Paul and Minneapolis. This is an opportunity for folks to be in a supportive environment where they can feel safe in a sauna with other trans and gender expansive individuals, and this event will be hosted by a trans volunteer. The sauna is located next to a park visitor center, so while the sauna itself will be rented out for a private group experience with 10 people, there may be other park visitors on trails or in the parking lot, so please wear appropriate attire for being outside in a public park. The sauna itself includes an indoor area to change, and there are outside chairs to cool off in.

This event is for ages 18+ and intended for the Trans and Gender Expansive+ community. If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we’ll collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated.


Location: Minneapolis area, MN (Dakota land)
Pets: While we love pets, we ask you please leave furry friends at home for this event. Tell them we said hi!
Meet: November 10, 2024
$0-$20 sliding scale
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Water, attire appropriate for a sauna, towel


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in this event.

  • Of course you can always hike for free on your own! What we are offering is not just a wilderness trip, but a chance to create community. On a TVOP trip, you will meet people with shared identities, have meaningful experiences and conversations in community, have someone else plan the logistics of your adventures, and have certified Wilderness First Aiders on hand should you ever need one. All of the money we collect goes towards operating costs for our programs.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Queer Backpacking Gear Basics 101 - Minnesota
11:00 AM11:00

Queer Backpacking Gear Basics 101 - Minnesota

Queer Backpacking Gear Basics 101 - Minnesota

April 13, 2024 — 11:00 - 2:00 pm CT
Last day to register: April 10, 2024

Have you ever wanted to try backpacking, but don't know much (or anything!) about the gear that you would need? This event is for you! Join TVOP Volunteer Canyon (they/them) for this queer gear extravaganza! We’ll have 3 different backpacks full of gear of varying sizes and weights — from a full ultralight setup for one to a traditional packout for group travel — so you can find the right setup for *you*.

We’ll take our weighted packs on a short test drive on a local 3-mile loop. Midway through the hike, we’ll stop at a camp spot to chat through the ins and outs of camp settups relevant to backpacking — including pitching different tents, making a freeze-dried meal, sharing our go-to backpacking snacks, filtering water, and other backpacking basics. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and stylizing your own unique camping systems — from newer ultralight backpacking gear to long-time industry faves.

The 3-mile hike is rated easy and is located at a State Park in Minnesota just a 25 minute drive from the Twin Cities area. This event is beginner friendly.

We ask folks under the age of 18 to please register themselves and an adult to accompany them.
If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated on the hike.


Location: St Paul, MN
(Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Sioux) and Wahpekute lands)
Parking: Parking lot
Pets: Dogs are welcome to join on this adventure.
Meet: April 13, 2024
Hike: 2.8 mi, 475ft elevation gain
$0-$20 sliding scale + $7 One-day vehicle permit or MN State Park Pass
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Water, lunch, snacks.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in an event.

  • Of course you can always hike for free on your own! What we are offering is not just a wilderness trip, but a chance to create community. On a TVOP trip, you will meet people with shared identities, have meaningful experiences and conversations in community, have someone else plan the logistics of your adventures, and have certified Wilderness First Aiders on hand should you ever need one. All of the money we collect goes towards operating costs for our programs.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Queer Cross Country Ski Night - Minnesota
3:30 PM15:30

Queer Cross Country Ski Night - Minnesota

Queer Cross Country Ski Night - Minnesota

Feburary 7, 2024 — 3:30 - 6:00 pm CT
Last day to register: Feb 4, 2024

Winter blues got ya down? Join TVOP volunteers Max and Canyon in collaboration with Dakota County Parks for a night of cross-country skiing at Lebanon Hills Regional Park.

Whether you're new to cross-country skiing, or looking to meet friends - this event is free and open to all. Instructors from Dakota County will be present to support all participants regardless of their cross-country ski experience.

All equipment (ski boots, poles, & skis) is free and provided by Dakota County. Additionally, winter gear is available for participants to use during the program (snow pants, gloves, jackets, hats). Hand warmers and toe warmers will also be provided.

We ask folks under the age of 18 to please register themselves and an adult to accompany them.
If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated on the hike.


Location: Eagan, MN
(Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Sioux) and Wahpekute (Lakota) lands)
Meet: Feburary 7, 2024
$0-$20 sliding scale
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Parking: Free parking lot - ample parking, handicap parking available
Pets: While we love dogs, we ask you please leave furry friends at home for this event. Tell them we said hi!
Bring: Water - other equipment provided, see caption above for details


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in an event.

  • Of course you can always hike for free on your own! What we are offering is not just a wilderness trip, but a chance to create community. On a TVOP trip, you will meet people with shared identities, have meaningful experiences and conversations in community, have someone else plan the logistics of your adventures, and have certified Wilderness First Aiders on hand should you ever need one. All of the money we collect goes towards operating costs for our programs.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Queer Winter Night Lake Loop Walk - Minnesota
6:00 PM18:00

Queer Winter Night Lake Loop Walk - Minnesota

Queer Winter Day Hike - Minnesota

Febuary 2, 2024 — 6:00 - 8:00 pm CT
Last day to register: Jan 30, 2024

Join TVOP Volunteer Canyon (they/them) for a February winter night hike around Bde Mka Ska lake in Minneapolis. This popular 3.2 mile loop trail is paved and plowed, for year round access. The trail is flat, but February weather can be frigid, so dress appropriately and wear shoes or boots with good traction.

We ask folks under the age of 18 to please register themselves and an adult to accompany them.
If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated on the hike.


Location: Minneapolis, MN
(Dakota land)
Parking: Paved lot with metered parking
Pets are welcome on this adventure. Please be sure to clean up after them!
Meet: Febuary 2, 2024
Hike: 3.2 mi, 32 ft elevation gain
$0-$20 sliding scale
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Water, warm layers


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in an event.

  • Of course you can always hike for free on your own! What we are offering is not just a wilderness trip, but a chance to create community. On a TVOP trip, you will meet people with shared identities, have meaningful experiences and conversations in community, have someone else plan the logistics of your adventures, and have certified Wilderness First Aiders on hand should you ever need one. All of the money we collect goes towards operating costs for our programs.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Gay in the BWCA - Minnesota
6:00 PM18:00

Gay in the BWCA - Minnesota

Gay in the BWCA - Minnesota

January 18, 2024 — 6:00 - 7:30 pm CT
Last day to register: January 15, 2024

The BWCA - a Minnesotan's right of passage. TVOP Volunteers Max (he/they) and Canyon (they/them) will be hosting a facilitated skillshare to learn about the ins and outs of planning a BWCA trip.

Accessible primarily by canoe, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) Wilderness is considered one of the '50 Places of a Lifetime' by National Geographic. Its vast wilderness extends 150 miles along the U.S.- Canada border, covering approximately 1,098,000 acres with over 1,100 lakes and 1,500 miles of canoe routes.

From gear and permits to routes and portages - planning a trip to the BWCA can feel daunting and overwhelming. Gay in the BWCA is an introduction to planning your 1st (or 10th) BWCA trek.

Topics discussed will include: gear, permits, route planning, food and cooking, and portaging

This event is free and open to all (especially BWCA 1st timers). Gay in the BWCA hopes to provide insight and resources for anyone to plan a BWCA trip - particularly our queer and trans+ kin.

We ask folks under the age of 18 to please register themselves and an adult to accompany them.
If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated on the hike.


Location: Minneapolis, MN
(Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Sioux) and Wahpekute (Lakota) lands)
Parking: Paved parking lot available
Pets: While we love dogs, we ask you please leave furry friends at home for this event. Tell them we said hi!
Meet: January 18, 2024
$0-$20 sliding scale
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Waterbottle, notebook, & writing utensil


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in an event.

  • Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who have financial barriers. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Queer New Year Winter Hike - Minnesota
10:00 AM10:00

Queer New Year Winter Hike - Minnesota

Queer New Year Winter Hike - Minnesota

January 7, 2024 — 10:00 - 1:00 pm CT
Last day to register: January 4, 2024

Kick of 2024's first weekend with a 3.2 loop hike the first weekend in January with TVOP volunteer, Canyon (they/them)! This exact same hike will be offered on both January 4th and January 5th (Saturday and Sunday) starting at 10am, so pick the date that works best for you. This hike is mostly flat, and located just 30 minutes South of the Minneapolis area. Be prepared for winter conditions and hopefully some fresh snow! This is a very well-traveled loop, and although it is not paved, it is usually packed down well enough that hiking boots will be sufficient.

We ask folks under the age of 18 to please register themselves and an adult to accompany them.
If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated on the hike.


Location: Minneapolis, MN
(Očhéthi Šakówiŋ Wahpekute lands)
Parking: Paved parking lot
Pets: Dogs are welcome on this adventure. Please keep them leashed and be sure to clean up after them. :)
Meet: January 7, 2024
Hike: 3.2 miles, 164 ft elevation gain
$0-$20 sliding scale
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Water (at least 1 liter), lunch or snacks, sunscreen, hiking boots, weather-appropriate clothing, and trekking poles and/or microspikes if desired.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in a hike.

  • Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who have financial barriers. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Queer New Year Winter Hike - Minnesota
10:00 AM10:00

Queer New Year Winter Hike - Minnesota

Queer New Year Winter Hike - Minnesota

January 6, 2024 — 10:00 - 1:00 pm CT
Last day to register: January 3, 2024

Kick of 2024's first weekend with a 3.2 loop hike the first weekend in January with TVOP volunteer, Canyon (they/them)! This exact same hike will be offered on both January 4th and January 5th (Saturday and Sunday) starting at 10am, so pick the date that works best for you. This hike is mostly flat, and located just 30 minutes South of the Minneapolis area. Be prepared for winter conditions and hopefully some fresh snow! This is a very well-traveled loop, and although it is not paved, it is usually packed down well enough that hiking boots will be sufficient.

We ask folks under the age of 18 to please register themselves and an adult to accompany them.
If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated on the hike.


Location: Minneapolis, MN
(Očhéthi Šakówiŋ Wahpekute lands)
Parking: Paved parking lot
Pets: Dogs are welcome on this adventure. Please keep them leashed and be sure to clean up after them. :)
Meet: January 6, 2024
Hike: 3.2 miles, 164 ft elevation gain
$0-$20 sliding scale
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Water (at least 1 liter), lunch or snacks, sunscreen, hiking boots, weather-appropriate clothing, and trekking poles and/or microspikes if desired.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in a hike.

  • Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who have financial barriers. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Queer Fall Foliage Day Hike - Minnesota (Waitlist)
9:00 AM09:00

Queer Fall Foliage Day Hike - Minnesota (Waitlist)

Queer Fall Foliage Day Hike - Minnesota

October 8, 2023 — 9:00 - 12:00 pm CT

Come fall for fall colors with TVOP and Volunteer Canyon on this short day hike near Minneapolis, Minnesota on a bluffside trail! Fall in Minnesota can be spectacular, and this will be a great hike for picture taking.

Wrapped around a tiny town, the Minnesota State Park we will be visiting has several distinct segments, includes a variety of ecosystems, and has a shoreline along the Mississippi River where it becomes Lake Pepin.

Come wander through the woods with us on this 3 mile loop!

There is a $7 parking fee for folks who do not have a MN State Park Pass. If you have the pass, it is free parking!

We ask folks under the age of 18 to please register themselves and an adult to accompany them.


Location: Frontenac area, MN
(Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Dakota, Sioux) lands)
Pets: Furry friends are welcome to come along on this adventure. Please make sure to clean up after them!
Meet: October 8, 2023
Hike: 2.9 miles, 426 ft elevation gain
$0-$20 sliding scale + $7 parking fee for folks without a MN State Park Pass
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Water, snacks, bug spray, sunscreen, hiking boots, weather-appropriate clothing, and trekking poles if desired.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in a hike.

  • Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who have financial barriers. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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Queer Day Hike - Minnesota
9:00 AM09:00

Queer Day Hike - Minnesota

Queer Day Hike - Minnesota

August 6, 2023 — 9:00 - 4:00 pm CT

Join TVOP's local volunteer, Canyon (they/them) for this 7.2-mile loop trail just outside of the Twin Cities. This beautifully unique hike follows a river, and folks can expect to see diverse ecology, including prairie and forested land, river beaches, and so much more. Using a challenge-by-choice framework, we’ll be taking this adventure at a slow pace to meet people where they’re at.

There is a $7 parking fee for folks who do not have a MN State Park Pass. If you have the pass, it is free parking!

We ask folks under the age of 18 to please register themselves and an adult to accompany them.
If you require a service dog to attend, please let us know and we collaborate with you on how to keep you both comfortable and hydrated on the hike.


Location: Twin Cities, MN
(Očhéthi Šakówiŋ
Wahpekute lands)
Pets: While we love dogs, we ask you please leave furry friends at home for this event. Tell them we said hi!
Meet: August 6, 2023
Hike: 7.2 miles, 950 ft elevation gain
$0-$20 sliding scale + $7 parking fee for folks without a MN State Park Pass
To find out where you fall best in our sliding scale, see the “Why does this trip cost money?” dropdown below.
Bring: Water (at least 1 liter), lunch or snacks, bug spray, sunscreen, hiking boots, weather-appropriate clothing, and trekking poles if desired.


Masks are not required during this event, however they are welcomed if wearing one allows you to better engage with the group. PLEASE be mindful of your own and group safety. If you or anyone in your household are not feeling well, do not participate in a hike.

  • Our sliding scale is meant to make our trips and events more accessible for those who have financial barriers. Paying a higher amount allows us to provide more opportunities to others. Paying a smaller amount is recommended for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the estimated value. Please choose an amount that you will be able to pay, but will not hinder your ability to afford food, housing, etc. By paying as much as you can, we are able to serve more of our community members.

    Our sliding scale recommendation:

    - Low: Yearly income $30,000 or under, struggles to meet basic needs

    - Mid (pays estimated value): Yearly income $40,000-$75,000, some expendable income

    - High: Yearly income $80,000-$100,000, comfortable, never struggle with basic needs

    Need more examples? We follow the Green Bottle principle. Click here to view and find out where you fall.

  • Information for our land acknowledgment was gathered from, which provides an estimate of original indigenous land occupation, but does not take into account migratory patterns or movement of the many surrounding communities. We recognize the historical complexity of indigenous movement across the land, and honor with gratitude the many, many surviving native nations whose land we benefit from in our work to diversify the outdoors.

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